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1-Day Glass Fusion Workshop with Martin Cheek

Discover the exciting possibilities of using fusing techniques to form glass in the kiln. Focus on colour and texture to make small glass decorations.

Aims of the course:
This taster day introduces beginners to the exciting possibilities 'f 'warm glass' - using fusing techniques to form glass in the kiln. With a focus on colour and texture, students will be making small scale fusions with glass.

What students should achieve:
By the end of the day each student will have created a number of glass fusions.
In producing this work, the student learns how to cut glass.
I will also explain what happens to the glass during the firing cycle and learn about glass compatibility.

Materials and techniques covered:
We cover simple glass cutting - cutting straight lines, circles and strips.

About the tutor:
Martin Cheek has pioneered the use of hand made glass fusions in the making of creating a mosaic. When he first started incorporating fused glass into his mosaic work more than thirty years ago, purists said that they weren’t ‘proper’ mosaics. Martin carried on regardless and all these years later, ‘Fused glass mosaics’ are now accepted into common consciousness. Martin’s sixth book ‘Fused Glass Mosaics’ helped to prove his point!

Martin is a master of this process and when he runs his workshops, he has on hand, hundreds of fused glass pieces to choose from that you can experiment with in your own creations during this workshop.

This has proved so popular with students that many have asked if they can make their own glass fusions. This course offers you that opportunity.

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