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I have been taking stock of what is IN stock and for sale.  I will be updating this section to reflect my true inventory of mosaics that are for sale, so check back often as I begin to update this gallery.   This is, so far, a sampling of some of my works over the years.

"Hi Martin, thanks so much for your kind words and most of all for being a wonderful teacher. I agree the group dynamics are important but a great teacher makes all the difference. Your wonderful sense of humor, your your vast knowledge of the subject and your kind encouragement make you a fantastic teacher ." Feb, 2015

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  1. Martin Cheek avatar
    Martin Cheek Nov 23, 2017

    Thanks Susannah ! Where is your new gallery? I would be very interested in exhibiting with you again. Please contact me at :

  2. Susannah Fellows avatar
    Susannah Fellows Nov 23, 2017

    Dear Martin - On the search for work new to me and just free-falling my searches through the internet, how wonderful to see your work again! Having raised my twins and moved out of London, I
    I’ve got a new gallery and life is pretty good. I’m still a huge fan of your work - so lovely to see the fused pieces in them now! Fabulous…
    Hope all is well with you and yours,

    All best wishes,
